Growing up on the East Coast in New Hampshire till I was almost 13 and then the next ten years in Wisconsin I am very familiar with cold, wintry and snowy weather and conditions. Heck I learned how to drive in snow! Thus the title of my newest blog post ‘Wussy Pants Snowfest’. For the past 13 years I have lived in Portland, Oregon; a place where they are not used to or often prepared for snow; any snow! I always find it very amusing that with the slightest bit of snow people freak out and the city comes to a crunching halt. On the up side the weather caused my husband’s company to send employees home early over lunch time so I get to spend a rare day working in the studio with the pleasure of his company as he works from home the rest of the day ๐Ÿ™‚ Today I chose to start and finish a bookbinding project with a simple stab binding side bound book for my in progress Arch-Ark-Ka-Chi-Na series of paintings and other art pieces. I will use the book to document my process, take notes, do research, sketches, paintings, write down ideas, etc. It will basically be the artists book documenting the progress and process of this particular body of work and will in the end serve as an art object in itself.Bookbinding 1

Bookbinding 2

Bookbinding 3