Two of Wands in the context of internal work and regenerative culture... I've been thinking a lot lately about the Tarot in terms of the inner and outer work that needs to take place within ourselves and within our societies and cultures in order for us to move towards a better future. The Two of Wands represents a time of realizing that we are no longer satisfied with the way things are, in our own lives and/or larger world. It is a desire to move towards change and action. It is a call to adventure and courage. We begin contemplating and planning the steps our hearts and minds tell us are needed to create the future we want to see. It is a time of visioning, reflection and preparation. It is in some ways a turning point. There is tension here also as we realize there is a lot of work to do and a sense of urgency, yet we are still in our comfort zone and between two possible paths. Do we do the work, make the sacrifices and the plans, and bravely work towards a more sustainable and equitable future? Or do we stay in our status quo comfort zone? #Tarot #LotussoulStudios #Zeratha_Lotussoul_Studios #twoofwands #ClimateChangeTarot #regenerativeculture #thefuture #divination #tarotforliberation #dothework #cultureshifting #TarotReaders #tarotcommunity #78tarotecological #tarotofoneness