I am in my happy place when I am doing a large garden or permaculture project 😁💜 It is a fitting weekend to be redesigning and upgrading the garden. 🌎🪱 1. Pickup free compost from the city's composting program. It's nice to know the food waste, yard and garden scraps I compost in the city bins are coming back to nourish this garden. It is sweet smelling compost too. 2. Build the gorilla dump cart and the first metal raised garden bed (8x4x1). There will be six beds when all is done. Find a wooly bear caterpillar and give to my six year old. Admire and ask about the fairy garden and flower magical creation she's made for wooly bear. 🧚🏾‍♀️🧚🏽‍♂️🧚🏻‍♀️ 3. Remove socks and shoes and put feet and hands directly into the soil. Weed and weed some more. Dig out perennials and flowers, etc for transplanting... Connect with, listen to, feel, smell, and infuse the garden, plants, bugs, bacteria, worms and soil with intention, gratitude and relationship 💕 4. Take measurements again and calculate path sizes etc. Bring bed in and position it. Followed by digging the bed down into 4 inch dug out ravines. Insert bed and push down in. 5. Fill beds with compost. Mix it in with existing soil and hugelkultur matter from old logs decomposing and lining bed borders. 6. Replant the plants dug out from step 3. Water. (Repeat on next dry day). #EarthDay2023 #zeratha_lotussoul_studios #PlantLady #Permaculture #Ecology #CompostGold #Soil #Herbs #Perennials #Design #Garden #Gardening ##Plants #FairyGarden #WoolyBear #YayNiceDay! #Worms #GardenWitch #PlantWitch